Recipe: Delicious Coffee Chiffon Cake

Recipe: Delicious Spider sandwich

Spider sandwich. Place the pastry cutter in the center of the sandwich, and cut out a circle to use as the spider. Having a sandwich made into a fun shape somehow makes it taste so much better! If you have a fussy eater then making spider sandwiches is a great way of getting kids to want to eat.

Spider sandwich Spread the peanut butter and jelly onto the bread. Use your cup or cookie cutter to cut out a circle. Then stick two chocolate chips on the sandwich using peanut butter as "glue". You can have Spider sandwich using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Spider sandwich

  1. It's of bread slices.
  2. It's of fruits jam.
  3. It's of Chocolate.
  4. Prepare of chocolate syrup.

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over low-medium heat. Place both sandwiches in skillet and sear each side until bread is browned and crisp and cheese is melted. To make spider sandwiches: cut tortillas into smaller circles. Spread hummus onto tortilla, then add turkey and top with another tortilla.

Spider sandwich instructions

  1. Cut the bread slices from any round cutter..
  2. Put jam in the bread..
  3. Cut a thin strip of chocolate and put it on the edge of the bread..
  4. Put another bread on top of it..
  5. Make the eyes with chocolate syrup..
  6. Ready spider sandwich...

Cut carrots into thin slices (or just buy a bag of the matchstick carrots). Then put two olives in place for the eyes. These are fun snacks to make with the kids. You can use any sandwich filling you prefer, it doesn't have to be cream cheese. Squiggly spider sandwiches are his favorite.
